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ke článku: Růžový pochod Karlovy Vary 22.6.2013
ze dne 25.06.2013, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 22.11.2013 02:50:15
Autor: So4Jv8Mx1 (
Titulek: uggs uk sometimes the father
ugg outlet One of Peter Lynch's favorite ways of finding a good stock to invest was to take his family shopping at a large shopping center and see how each store there was doing. It was no wonder that he picked up Gap Inc. (GPS) during its early stage of the franchise's nationwide expansion and captured the huge runup of its stock price for the investors of his fund..We will never claim to be better predictors of the outcome then the experts but rather we'll manage the business in a way that accommodates this wide range of possibilities.And rather then throw up our hands and say we don't know what our future entails and suspend guidance we thought it would be more helpful to our investors if we outlined the range of scenarios we have prepared for, the range of outcomes we expect for Genesco in these various scenarios and describe how we plan to be reactive to what the world actually brings our way.Our base line plan contemplates

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"uggs uk sometimes the father"

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