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ke článku: Růžový pochod a výstava ňaderné energie
ze dne 10.06.2013, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 22.08.2014 05:28:30
Autor: pichDave (
Titulek: just for a test
"It's another to seat yourself at a black tie dinner." The man didn't make it to the main course.For the thrill of itWas he satisfied nonetheless with the thrill? That's how Tamsin Lonsdale felt years ago, crashing parties in her youth back in Britain. "It was exciting," says Lonsdale, now 31. "But I think most people grow out of that as they get older."In any case, Lonsdale has no need to crash parties now: She's the founder of The Supper Club, a highly exclusive moving dinner party with 1,000 members worldwide.Lonsdale puts on 15 events of varying sizes per month, mainly in New York, Los Angeles or London.

Something you might want to check out are the half price ticket booths near the Gameworks site or near the Peppermill Restaurant, both on Las Vegas Boulevard. They have unsold tickets the DAY OF the show. You also can check with the box office of any show you'd like to see for unsold tickets on the day of or the day before a show.

"Come pl

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"just for a test"

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