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ke článku: Kurz neverbální komunikace - přeložen na podzim 2013
ze dne 12.04.2013, autor článku: administrator

Komentář ze dne: 23.11.2013 05:34:54
Autor: Hb0Sz6On5 (
Titulek: ugg uk he licked evan's face as evan held on tightly
uggs outlet store IReporters have come up with some pretty neat ways to use this site since its launch. One of the most unique things we've seen comes from veteran iReporter dpkronmiller . He's "liveblogged" each of the presidential and vicepresidential debates on iReport! By updating the comments in an iReport throughout the debate and inviting others to do the same, he gives running commentary on the debate and helps keep iReporters up to speed with what the candidates are saying.Before we got too excited/shocked/grateful/scared about being firsttime parents of triplets, our doctor informed us that because we were so early along only 5 weeks that it was more likely than not that at least one of the three would not make it. And so the waiting began. And week after week we saw that all three babies were developing, then two had heart beats, and then the third, and each time all three were growing.About to hit the pa

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"ugg uk he licked evan's face as evan held on tightly"

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