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ke článku: Ženská alternativa k fotbalovému hřišti
ze dne 02.03.2008, autor článku: Štěpánka Bergerová

Komentář ze dne: 30.11.2013 11:57:11
Autor: blsoopesa (
Titulek: burberry handbags this makes a great difference in the price tag of the handbag
michael kors black Friday Competitive balance is no doubt one of the hallmarks of the league but how far must we go for this balance before turning the entire enterprise into a Marxist state. As an example, the owners say how defeating it is for a franchise to miss on two topfive picks in a short period of years based upon the loss of the player and the cash invested in the pick, as well as the difficulty for that franchise to succeed. At what point are the people who made the decision to select the two players who did not pan out responsible for the pick and not the system or the underperforming players themselves?."I guess there's a bigger picture," Wayne said. "We all wanted to play, but the big dog (Caldwell) made a decision and we have to roll with that decision. We came out after halftime and felt like we were starting to roll and could score some points, but the manager took us off the mound.". Reakce na komentář
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